1.3. Control Flow Statements

In the previous chapter, we saw that a program is essentially a collection of instructions to a computer. We saw two specific instructions: assignment statements, which assign a value to a variable, and the print function, which prints a value on the screen. For example:

n = 7
print("n is", n)
n = 10
print("n is now", n)
n is 7
n is now 10

The “instructions” in a program are called statements. The above program has four statements: two assignment statements and two function call statements (remember that print is something called a “function”; we will explain this construct in more detail in the next chapter).

You might notice that these calls to print look different than the calls you have seen thus far. Here, we pass two comma-separated values of different types to the function. In general, you can pass multiple values with different types to print, and the function will print each of them separated by spaces.


Notice that we used a different format for showing code above. Instead of showing the execution of the program line by line in the interpreter, we showed all of the code followed by all of its output. In fact, if you saved the above code in a file named statements.py and ran python statements.py from the terminal, you would see the output shown above.

Of course, you can still run the above code in the interpreter. We are showing you the code and the output in a different way because, as we move on to more complex pieces of code, this format will be more readable than the interpreter format (which can get a bit cluttered with the >>> prompt for every statement). However, we will still be using the interpreter format for small pieces of code.

These statements are run in sequence (i.e., one after the other). Sometimes, though, we want the program to run a statement based on the outcome of a previous statement, or we may want to repeat a block of statements multiple times. To support this, most programming languages include control flow statements. In this chapter, we will focus on three types of control flow statements:

  • Conditional statements, also known as “if statements” or “if-then-else statements”, allow us to run a piece of code only if a given condition (expressed as a boolean expression) is true, and optionally allow us to run an alternate piece of code if the condition is false. For example, given a variable x containing an integer, we may want to perform a different action when x is positive than when x is zero or negative (we could express this condition using the boolean expression x > 0).

  • Sequence-based loops, also known as “for loops”, allow us to repeat a piece of code based on a sequence of values. For example, given a list of numbers, we may want to determine, for each number, whether the number is prime. So, we want to “repeat” the code for testing primality for each number in the list.

  • Condition-based loops, also known as “while loops”, allow us to repeat a piece of code based on whether a boolean expression is true. For example, when performing a simulation, we may want to continue running the simulation until some stopping condition is met.

In the next chapter, we will see additional statements that relate to functions and which also allow us to alter the control flow of our program.

1.3.1. Conditional Statements

In the previous chapter, we learned that a boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to either True or False:

>>> n = 5
>>> n > 0

A conditional statement allows the program to perform different actions based on the value of a boolean expression. For example:

if n > 0:
    print(n, "is a positive number")

In the above code, the print statement will be run only if n is greater than zero.

The conditional statement starts with a special keyword if, which is part of the syntax of the Python language. The keyword if is followed by a boolean expression and a colon. The next line contains the first line of the the code to run if the boolean expression evaluates to True. The spacing before print is important, and we’ll return to this detail soon.

Let’s try out this code in the interpreter. Make sure you type four spaces before the call to print:

>>> n = 5
>>> if n > 0:
...     print(n, "is a positive number")
5 is a positive number

The if statement spans multiple lines and the interpreter won’t run the statement until you’ve finished writing it. After you’ve written the if line, the interpreter will switch the prompt to ... to indicate that it is still expecting input as part of a multi-line statement. After you write the print line, the interpreter will still show the ... prompt because it isn’t sure whether you’re going to provide more lines in the if statement. Pressing Enter on a blank line tells the interpreter that the code is ready to be run.


Remember that the ... prompt is an artifact of the Python interpreter. If you were to write this code in a file, you would not include the ... characters. In fact, try saving this code in an if.py file:

n = 5
if n > 0:
    print(n, "is a positive number")

And running python if.py from the terminal. The output should be:

5 is a positive number

Now, try it with a negative value of n:

>>> n = -5
>>> if n > 0:
...     print(n, "is a positive number")

Notice that, after running the if statement, the interpreter didn’t produce any output. The value of n is not greater than zero and so, the print statement was not executed.

In the above example, the if statement contained a single statement to execute conditionally. However, conditional statements can contain multiple statements to execute as well. For example:

n = 5
if n > 0:
    print(n, "is a positive number")
    n = -n
    print("And now the number is negative:", n)
5 is a positive number
And now the number is negative: -5

In this case, if the condition is true, then Python will run all of the statements under the if. More specifically, the block of statements under the if, that is, all the statements at the same level of indentation (i.e., with the same number of spaces before them), will be run. For example, consider this other version of the code:

n = 5
if n > 0:
    print(n, "is a positive number")
    n = -n
print("And now the number is:", n)
5 is a positive number
And now the number is: -5

And again with a negative number:

n = -5
if n > 0:
    print(n, "is a positive number")
    n = -n
print("And now the number is:", n)
And now the number is: -5

Notice that the first print and the n = -n statement are run only if the condition is true, but the second print is always run. The second print is not part of the if statement but occurs after the if statement.

Python’s syntax uses indentation to delimit blocks of code, typically with four spaces corresponding to one level of indentation. As with other syntactical elements, Python is very picky about this detail and incorrect indentation will produce errors. For example, we’ll see an error if we do not indent the code in an if statement:

if (n % 2) == 1:
print(n, "is odd")
  File "<stdin>", line 2
    print(n, "is odd")
IndentationError: expected an indented block after 'if' statement on line 1

Or if we use inconsistent indentation inside the same block of code:

if (n % 2) == 1:
    print(n, "is odd")
     print("This concludes the odd branch.")
  File "<stdin>", line 3
    print("This concludes the odd branch.")
IndentationError: unexpected indent

For this first if example, we walked you through all the syntactical elements of the statement but, as you get more comfortable with Python, it is easier to learn about new elements of the language by getting a more formal description of their syntax. In the case of the if statement, a formal description would look like this:

if <boolean expression>:

We will use this convention often when describing new statements and other aspects of Python. Words in bold represent keywords that are part of the language itself, whereas anything delimited with < and > means “substitute this for …” (i.e., you do not write the < and > characters themselves). Additionally, remember that indentation matters, so the statement or statements that constitute <statements> all have the same level of indentation.

So, now we can easily introduce a variant of the if statement in which we specify an alternate block of statements to run if the condition is false:

if <boolean expression>:

For example:

n = 6
if (n % 2) == 1:
    print(n, "is odd")
    print(n, "is even")
6 is even

When written in this format, the block under the if is usually called the if branch, and the block under the else is called the else branch.

In this example, each block has a single statement but, as we saw earlier, each block can have multiple statements:

n = 5
if (n % 2) == 1:
    print(n, "is odd")
    print("This concludes the odd branch.")
    print(n, "is even")
    print("This concludes the even branch.")
5 is odd
This concludes the odd branch.

An if statement can also have multiple if branches (but only one else, which is run only if none of the conditions are met). After the first if branch, subsequent branches start with the keyword elif (which stands for “else if”). For example:

if <boolean expression>:
elif <boolean expression>:



For example:

n = 17
if n < 0:
    print(n, "is negative")
elif n > 0:
    print(n, "is positive")
    print(n, "is zero")
17 is positive

When we have multiple branches, as soon as Python finds a true boolean condition, it will evaluate that branch and ignore all others. Python first evaluates the if branch’s condition, and moves to subsequent elif branches only if no prior condition is true. If no branch is true, Python will run the code in the else branch.

An important note: for any if statement, at most one branch will be run, even if the conditions in multiple branches are true. For example:

n = 17
if n < 0:
    print(n, "is negative")
elif n > 0:
    print(n, "is positive")
elif n % 2 == 1:
    print(n, "is odd")
elif n % 2 == 0:
    print(n, "is even")
17 is positive

In the above example, there are two conditions that are true when n is 17: n > 0 and n % 2 == 1. Python, however, will only run the code for the first branch with a true condition (in this case, n > 0). In general, it is good practice to make the conditions in an if statement mutually exclusive (i.e., at most one of them can be true).

You should also take care to distinguish between an if statement with multiple branches and multiple if statements. For example, the code below is not equivalent to the code above:

n = 17
if n < 0:
    print(n, "is negative")
if n > 0:
    print(n, "is positive")
if n % 2 == 1:
    print(n, "is odd")
if n % 2 == 0:
    print(n, "is even")
17 is positive
17 is odd

The code above has four separate if statements (often referred to as parallel if statements), while the previous example had a single if statement with four branches. Since we have four separate statements, each conditional statement is evaluated and Python will run the block of code for any true conditional (in this case, the second and third if statements).

A Common Pitfall

Using parallel if statements when you need a single if statement can lead to bugs that can be very hard to find. For example,

n = 7
if n > 0:
   print(n, "is positive")
   n = -n
elif n < 0:
   print(n, "is negative")
7 is positive

will yield a very different result than:

n = 7
if n > 0:
   print(n, "is positive")
   n = -n

if n < 0:
   print(n, "is negative")
7 is positive
-7 is negative

Why? In the first example, the first branch of the conditional is true and so the second branch is never tested. In the second example, the second conditional is a separate statement. Its test will be evaluated and since, the value of n changes during the execution of the first conditional the result of that test will be True and its statement will be executed.

Handling multiple conditions

If you have a bug in code that has a conditional statement with multiple conditions, a good first step is to verify that the conditions (i.e. the boolean expressions) are mutually exclusive. If not, ask whether your application requires overlapping conditions. If not, rewrite the conditions to make them mutually exclusive. If so, check that the order you have chosen for the conditions makes sense for the application. Also, make sure that you test each of the possible conditions. Finally, verify that you have not used parallel if statements when a single if statement with multiple conditions is required.

In general, it is a good practice to try out your code with values that will trigger the different conditions in a conditional statement. Practice Problems

Problem 1

Assume you have an integer variable named year that holds a a year represented as a positive integer. Write a block of code that prints the year and either "is leap year" or "is not leap year".

To gain practice with conditionals, we recommend using conditional statements instead of logical operators (that is, and, or, not, etc) in your solution.

Before you try to solve this problem, try to come up with some sample values for year and the expected results.

Problem 2

An instructor would like you to write block of code to determine a student’s grade based the following rules: the student’s grade is a(n):

  • A if the student’s midterm, final, and hw are all at least 90

  • B if the student’s midterm, final, and hw are all at least 80

  • C if the student’s midterm, final, and hw are all at least 70

  • B if the student’s hw is at least 90, their midterm and final are both at least 50 and their final is at least 20 points higher than their midterm. Otherwise the student should receive an F.

Your code should set a variable named grade to the letter grade the student earned based on the following three floating point variables:

  • hw, which holds a student’s homework average,

  • midterm, which holds a student’s midterm exam score, and

  • final, which holds a student’s final exam score.

What would make good sample values for hw, midterm, and final?

1.3.2. for Loops

Loops provide a mechanism for repeating work in a program. Loops are often used when we need to process a set of values and perform the same action for each. For example, given a list of prices, we may want to compute the tax on each price as well as keep a running total of all the taxes paid. To do this task, we will use a for loop (in the next section, we will see a different type of loop, the while loop, that operates differently).

for loops have the following syntax:

for <variable> in <sequence>:

For example:

for p in [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]:
    print("The price is", p)
The price is 10
The price is 25
The price is 5
The price is 70
The price is 10

Notice that the loop repeated the print statement five times, once for each value in a sequence of values. In each repetition, or iteration, of the loop, the variable p is set to the value of a specific element in the provided sequence of values, starting with the first and advancing through the provided sequence. Once all of the elements have been processed, the loop ends.

The sequence in the above for loop ([10, 25, 5, 70, 10]) is called a list. We will take a deeper look at lists and other types of sequences in Chapter Lists, Tuples, and Strings, but for now, will only use them in for loops. Lists are values and can be assigned to variables so instead of including the list of values directly in the for loop, we could first store it in a variable:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

for p in prices:
    print("The price is", p)
The price is 10
The price is 25
The price is 5
The price is 70
The price is 10

While in this case, we are specifying the value of prices directly in the program, you could imagine these prices being read from a file, or being scanned at the checkout counter of a store.

Like if statements, we can include multiple statements in the loop:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

for p in prices:
    tax = 0.10 * p
    total = p + tax
    print("The price (with tax) is", total)
The price (with tax) is 11.0
The price (with tax) is 27.5
The price (with tax) is 5.5
The price (with tax) is 77.0
The price (with tax) is 11.0

The block of statements contained in a loop is usually called the body of the loop.

Our loop example uses a list with five values as the sequence and the loop iterate five times and prints one line of output for each value. If we used a list with ten values for the sequence, the loop would iterate ten times, once per value. If the list has zero values, which known as the empty list and is written as [], then the loop will iterate zero times.

prices = []

print("Before the loop")
for p in prices:
    tax = 0.10 * p
    total = p + tax
    print("The price (with tax) is", total)
print("After the loop")
Before the loop
After the loop

Notice that the calls to print before and after the loop, which are not controlled by the loop, are executed and generate output. The call to print in the body of the loop, in contrast, is never executed and thus generates no output, because the loop iterates zero times.

Testing loops

A good rule of thumb for testing loops: try the loop with a list that has zero values, a list that has exactly one value, and a list that has many values. Practice Problems

Problem 3

Given a list of integers named lst, compute a variable total that contains the sum of the absolute values of the elements (that is, the values) in the list. (e.g. the list [-1, 2, 1] would set total to 4). Use the built-in function abs to compute the absolute value of a number. Here is are some example uses of abs:

>>> x0 = 5
>>> abs(x0)
>>> x1 = -5
>>> abs(x1)

Before you write a solution, make a list of a few sample test cases and the corresponding expected results.

Problem 4

Given a list of booleans named lst, write code to set a variable contains_false to True if the list contains the value False and to False otherwise.

Before you write a solution, make a list of a few sample test cases and the corresponding expected results. Nested statements

Suppose we wanted to compute the total tax on all the prices. We could accomplish this task with the following loop:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

total_tax = 0

for p in prices:
    tax = 0.10 * p
    total_tax = total_tax + tax

print("The total tax is", total_tax)
The total tax is 12.0

Notice that we used an additional variable, total_tax to add up the values of the tax. This kind of variable is usually referred to as an accumulator variable because it is used to add up (or accumulate) a set of values.

Now, suppose that prices with a value less than 15 are not taxed. This means that, when computing the total tax, we should only add up the taxes of the prices that meet the following condition: p >= 15.

So far, the body of an if statement or a for loop has been a sequence of assignments or print statements (the only two other statements we know). It is certainly possible, however, for the body of a for loop to include if statements or even other for loops.

For example:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

total_tax = 0

for p in prices:
    if p >= 15:
        tax = 0.10 * p
        total_tax = total_tax + tax
        print("Skipping price", p)

print("The total tax is", total_tax)
Skipping price 10
Skipping price 5
Skipping price 10
The total tax is 9.5

Notice the two levels of indentation: one level for the body of the loop, and another for the if and else branches. To be clear, we could have other statements at the same level of indentation as the if statement:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

total_tax = 0

for p in prices:
    print("Processing price", p)
    if p >= 15:
        print("This price is taxable.")
        tax = 0.10 * p
        total_tax = total_tax + tax
        print("This price is not taxable.")

print("The total tax is", total_tax)
Processing price 10
This price is not taxable.
Processing price 25
This price is taxable.
Processing price 5
This price is not taxable.
Processing price 70
This price is taxable.
Processing price 10
This price is not taxable.
The total tax is 9.5

Suppose there were three tax rates (5%, 10%, and 15%) and we wanted to find the total value of the tax under each tax rate for each of the prices. If we only had one price to worry about, we could use this single loop to compute the different taxes:

p = 10
tax_rates = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15]

print("Price", p)
for tr in tax_rates:
    tax = tr * p
    print("Taxed at", tr, "=", tax)
Price 10
Taxed at 0.05 = 0.5
Taxed at 0.1 = 1.0
Taxed at 0.15 = 1.5

If we had multiple prices to worry about, however, we would use a nested for loop. We can combine both of the single loop examples by nesting the loop over the prices inside of the loop over tax rates to find the total tax for different tax rates.

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]
tax_rates = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15]

for tr in tax_rates:
    total_tax = 0
    for p in prices:
        if p >= 15:
            tax = tr * p
            total_tax = total_tax + tax
    print("Taxed at", tr, "the total tax is", total_tax)
Taxed at 0.05 the total tax is 4.75
Taxed at 0.1 the total tax is 9.5
Taxed at 0.15 the total tax is 14.25

Notice that we replaced the fixed tax rate (0.10) from the original loop over the prices with the outer loop variable (tr). Let’s walk through this computation. For each iteration of the outer loop:

  • the variable total_tax is set to zero, then

  • the inner loop iterates through all the prices, checks whether each price (p) is taxable, and if so, updates the total tax using the current value of tr, and finally

  • the print statement outputs the current tax rate (that is, the value of tr) and the computed total tax.

When you use nested loops, it is very important to think carefully about where to initialize variables. As a thought experiment, consider what would happen if we initialized total_tax to zero before (rather than in) the body of the outer loop.

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]
tax_rates = [0.05, 0.10, 0.15]
total_tax = 0

for tr in tax_rates:
    for p in prices:
        if p  >= 15:
            tax = tr * p
            total_tax = total_tax + tax
    print("Taxed at", tr, "the total tax is", total_tax)
Taxed at 0.05 the total tax is 4.75
Taxed at 0.1 the total tax is 14.25
Taxed at 0.15 the total tax is 28.5

Notice that rather than restarting at zero for each new tax rate, the total tax from the previous iteration of the outer loop carries over. As a result, the answers are wrong.

Do keep in mind that the right answer is context dependent. If instead of representing different possible tax rates for a given taxing entity (such as, a city), the rates instead represented the tax rates for different tax domains, say the city, county, and state. If your goal was to compute the total tax paid for all the prices across all the taxing domains, then it would make sense to initialize total before the loop nest. In this use case, you would likely move the print statement out of the loops altogether as well.

Nested loops and initialization

If you have a bug in code that uses nested loops, verify that you are initializing all the variables used in the loop in the right place for your specific application. Practice Problems

Problem 5

Rewrite your solution to Problem 3 to use a conditional rather than a call to abs.

Problem 6 Iterating over ranges of integer

A common way to use for loops is to do something with all the integers in a given range. Let’s say we wanted to print out which numbers between 1 and 10 are odd and even. We could do it with this simple loop, which also features a nested if statement:

nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
for n in nums:
    if (n % 2) == 1:
        print(n, "is odd")
        print(n, "is even")
1 is odd
2 is even
3 is odd
4 is even
5 is odd
6 is even
7 is odd
8 is even
9 is odd
10 is even

What if we wanted to do this computation with the numbers between 1 and 100? While we could manually write out all those numbers, there is a better way of doing this task: we can use Python’s built-in range function:

for n in range(1, 11):
    if (n % 2) == 1:
        print(n, "is odd")
        print(n, "is even")
1 is odd
2 is even
3 is odd
4 is even
5 is odd
6 is even
7 is odd
8 is even
9 is odd
10 is even

We specify two numbers for range: a lower bound and an upper bound. The lower bound is inclusive, but the upper bound is not; i.e., range will allow you to iterate through every integer starting at the lower bound and up to but not including the upper bound. To change this loop to do our computation on the numbers between 1 and 100, we would simply change the upper bound in the call to range from 11 to 101 (i.e., range(1, 101)).

A Common Pitfall

You should think very carefully about the appropriate bounds when using range. In particular, make sure you don’t make an “off-by-one” error, where you set a bound to be too low or too high by one. This type of mistake is very common and can be difficult to track down. Example: Primality testing

Let’s move on to a slightly more involved example: testing whether a number is prime. While there are very elaborate methods for testing primality, a naive way of testing whether a number \(n\) is prime is to divide that number by every integer between 2 and \(n-1\). If any such integer evenly divides \(n\), then \(n\) is not prime.

Assume that we have a variable n containing the number we are testing. We could use a for loop that uses range to iterate over every integer between 2 and \(n-1\). Inside the loop, we would check whether each of integer evenly divides n using the modulus operator (if the remainder of dividing n by another integer is zero, then that number can’t be prime).

Let’s take a first stab at this problem by setting up the loop, but not solving the problem entirely:

n = 81
print("Testing number", n)
for i in range(2, n):
    if n % i == 0:
        print(i, "divides", n)
print("Testing done")
Testing number 81
3 divides 81
9 divides 81
27 divides 81
Testing done

This code simply prints out the divisors of n. Now let’s try it with a prime number:

n = 83
print("Testing number", n)
for i in range(2, n):
    if n % i == 0:
        print(i, "divides", n)
print("Testing done")
Testing number 83
Testing done

Since 83 is a prime number and doesn’t have any divisors (other than 1 and itself), the program doesn’t print any divisors. So, it looks like our code is on the right track, even if it doesn’t give us a clean “yes” or “no” answer to whether n is prime or not.

Solving a simple version of a complex problem is common practice in programming. Avoid the temptation to solve an entire problem at once, instead try solving simpler versions of the problem first to make sure you are on the right track. For example, the code above reassures us that we’re checking divisibility correctly.

So, how do we modify this code to check whether a number is prime? Well, if n has even a single divisor, it will not be prime. So, all we need to do is keep track of whether we have encountered a divisor or not. While we could do this with an integer (by keeping track of how many divisors we have encountered, and then checking whether the number is zero or not), we can get away with using only a boolean variable, since all we care about is whether we have encountered a divisor or not. We initialize this variable to False, since we haven’t encountered any divisors yet at the start of the program.

encountered_divisor = False
n = 83
for i in range(2, n):
    if n % i == 0:
        encountered_divisor = True

if encountered_divisor:
    print(n, "is NOT prime")
    print(n, "is prime")
83 is prime

Notice that the value of encountered_divisor will not change once it is set to True. What would happen if we added an else clause that set the value of encounter_divisor to False when n is not evenly divisible by i? We’d have a bug: our code would declare all numbers to be prime.

Finally, as an additional example of nesting one loop inside another, suppose we want to print whether each integer in a given range is prime or not. We could simply nest the primality testing code we wrote above inside another for loop that uses range to iterate over a sequence of integers, each of which we will test for primality:

for n in range(2,32):
    encountered_divisor = False
    for i in range(2, n):
        if n % i == 0:
            encountered_divisor = True

    if encountered_divisor:
        print(n, "is NOT prime")
        print(n, "is prime")
2 is prime
3 is prime
4 is NOT prime
5 is prime
6 is NOT prime
7 is prime
8 is NOT prime
9 is NOT prime
10 is NOT prime
11 is prime
12 is NOT prime
13 is prime
14 is NOT prime
15 is NOT prime
16 is NOT prime
17 is prime
18 is NOT prime
19 is prime
20 is NOT prime
21 is NOT prime
22 is NOT prime
23 is prime
24 is NOT prime
25 is NOT prime
26 is NOT prime
27 is NOT prime
28 is NOT prime
29 is prime
30 is NOT prime
31 is prime The break statement

The primality testing algorithm we just saw is a correct algorithm: for all values of n (where \(n \geqslant 1\)), the algorithm will correctly determine whether n is prime or not. However, it is nonetheless a terrible algorithm.

Why? Suppose you wanted to test whether \(2^{61}\) is prime. It is clearly not prime (it is divisible by 2), but the algorithm we presented would nonetheless waste a lot of time iterating over all numbers from 2 to \(2^{61}\), even though we would know n isn’t prime the moment we divided it by 2. To make the cost more concrete, if we can perform 15,000 iterations of the loop in 1 microsecond, then determining whether \(2^{61}\) is prime using the code above would take nearly five years.

We need to tweak our algorithm so that we can “bail out” of the for loop as soon as we’ve found our answer. We can use a break statement, which immediately exits the loop, to do this:

encountered_divisor = False
n = 83
for i in range(2, n):
    if n % i == 0:
        encountered_divisor = True

if encountered_divisor:
    print(n, "is NOT prime")
    print(n, "is prime")
83 is prime

Notice how all we had to do was add a single break statement in the case when we find a divisor. Making this simple change reduces the time to determine that \(2^{61}\) is not prime to under a microsecond.

Even so, this algorithm is still not particularly great. For example, \(2^{61}-1\) happens to be prime and, if we used the above algorithm to test this number, we would still end up performing \(2^{61}-1\) divisions (about two quintillions, or \(2\cdot 10^{18}\)).

So, adding the break statement only allowed us to optimize certain cases (which might be fine if we expect to run our algorithm only with small integers).

Don’t forget that, as we discussed in Chapter Computational Thinking, computational thinking includes thinking about the complexity of computational solutions. This small example highlights that you shouldn’t settle for an algorithm simply because it produces the correct answer. Instead, you should also ask yourself whether the algorithm is sufficiently efficient for your purposes.

Sometimes, this process is as simple as asking yourself how your algorithm will perform in a couple representative cases. For example, the performance of this algorithm with a composite (not prime) number is probably fine, but the performance with very large prime numbers will be very bad. Other times, more elaborate analysis is required. We will be revisiting the notion of complexity several more times throughout this book.

Before we move on, let’s change our nested loop example to use break and see what happens:

for n in range(2,32):
    encountered_divisor = False
    for i in range(2, n):
        if n % i == 0:
            encountered_divisor = True
            print("Breaking:", i, "evenly divides", n)

    if encountered_divisor:
        print(n, "is NOT prime")
        print(n, "is prime")
2 is prime
3 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 4
4 is NOT prime
5 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 6
6 is NOT prime
7 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 8
8 is NOT prime
Breaking: 3 evenly divides 9
9 is NOT prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 10
10 is NOT prime
11 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 12
12 is NOT prime
13 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 14
14 is NOT prime
Breaking: 3 evenly divides 15
15 is NOT prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 16
16 is NOT prime
17 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 18
18 is NOT prime
19 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 20
20 is NOT prime
Breaking: 3 evenly divides 21
21 is NOT prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 22
22 is NOT prime
23 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 24
24 is NOT prime
Breaking: 5 evenly divides 25
25 is NOT prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 26
26 is NOT prime
Breaking: 3 evenly divides 27
27 is NOT prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 28
28 is NOT prime
29 is prime
Breaking: 2 evenly divides 30
30 is NOT prime
31 is prime

Upon encountering a break, Python exits the innermost enclosing loop. We added a print statement to highlight this behavior. As you can see from the output, upon finding a value of i that evenly divides the current value of n, Python prints a message with the values of i and n and moves on to the conditional that follows the inner loop.

Keep in mind that break statements are always used in a loop guarded by a conditional statement. A loop with an unguarded break statement will execute at most once. This loop, for example,

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

for p in prices:
    print("The value of p is:", p)
The value of p is: 10

executes outputs exactly one line. If list of prices happens to be empty, then the loop would not generate any output, which explains why we wrote that a loop with an unguarded break would execute “at most” once. Practice Problems

Problem 6

Rewrite your solution to Problem 4 to stop the loop looking at values once you find the first False in the list. continue statement

Python will immediately exit a loop when it encounters a break statement. Sometimes, you just want to stop the current iteration and move on to the next one. To illustrate this concept, we will rewrite an earlier example using continue:

prices = [10, 25, 5, 70, 10]

total_tax = 0

for p in prices:
    if p < 15:
        print("Skipping price", p)
    tax = 0.10 * p
    total_tax = total_tax + tax

print("The total tax is", total_tax)
Skipping price 10
Skipping price 5
Skipping price 10
The total tax is 9.5

In this version, we flipped the test to be p < 15 (rather than p >= 15), added a use of continue after the call to print in the conditional, and reduced the indentation for the rest of the loop body.

While continue should be used sparingly as it can lead to confusing code, it can help improve readability when you have a complex deeply-nested piece of code that needs to be executed in some situations and not others. Writing this code:

for <variable> in <sequence>:
    if not <simple test>:
        <complex, deeply nested code>

this way:

for <variable> in <sequence>:
    if <simple test>:
    <complex, deeply nested code>

may yield code that is easier to understand. And so, while our example above is correct, we would not normally choose to write code that simple using continue.

As with break, it does not make sense to use continue without a corresponding conditional to guard its execution as the code following an unguarded continue would never be executed.

1.3.3. while loops

while loops are a more general type of loop that, instead of repeating an action for each element in a sequence, will repeat an action while a condition is true. The condition is expressed using a boolean expression, which allows us to write much more complex loops than for loops.

The syntax for while loops is the following:

while <boolean expression>:

Python starts executing a while loop by evaluating the boolean expression and, if it is true, running the block of statements (otherwise, the while loop is skipped entirely). After the statements are run, the boolean expression is evaluated again, and if it remains true, the statements are run again. This process is repeated until the boolean expression becomes false.

For example, this while loop will add up all of the integers between 1 and N:

N = 10
i = 1
sum = 0

while i <= N:
    sum = sum + i
    i = i + 1


We use a sum variable to store the sum of all the integers, and initialize it to 0. Then, we use a variable i to represent the integer we are adding to the sum. We initialize it to one and, in each iteration of the loop, we add i to the sum, and increment i by one. As long as i is less than N, the loop will keep adding i to sum.

Unlike a for loop, a while loop does not require a sequence of values. Instead, we must keep track of and update the integer we add in each iteration of the loop (stored in variable i).

This difference is often the source of a common programming error: forgetting to include code to increment i (that is, the statement: i = i + 1). Without this statement, the loop becomes an infinite loop: the``while`` condition (i <= N) will never become false because the value of i will always be one (and thus will never become greater than N). When this happens, your program (or the Python interpreter) will appear stuck. In most computer environments, you can force your program to exit by pressing the “Control” key and the “C” key (known as “Control-C”) at the same time. You may have to type “Control-C” a few times to get Python’s attention.

In fact, precisely because of this issue, the above piece of code should be implemented using a for loop, which is less error prone:

N = 10
sum = 0

for i in range(N+1):
    sum = sum + i


Notice that we cannot possibly fall into an infinite loop with this implementation, because the for loop will only iterate over the specified range of values.

So when should we use a for loop instead of a while loop? As a rule of thumb, any time you need to iterate over a sequence of values, using a for loop is typically the best option. Although a while loop can get the job done, it can be more error-prone.

There are, however, certain algorithms where the loop cannot naturally be stated as iterating over a sequence of values, so we need the more general mechanism provided by a boolean expression. We will see one such example in the next section. Practice Problems

Problem 7

Using only arithmetic and relational operators, conditional statements, and a while loop: determine the nearest power of 2 that is greater than or equal to a value N. You may assume that N > 0.

What would make good test cases for this computation?

Problem 8

Using only arithmetic and relational operators, conditional statements, and a while loop: determine the nearest power of 2 that is less than or equal to a value N. You may assume that N > 0.

What would make good test cases for this computation?

1.3.4. Putting it all together

In this section we are going to work through a slightly longer example that combines conditionals and loops and involves non-trivial logic.

A few years ago Gil Kalai posed a question on his blog Combinatorics and more:

You throw a dice until you get 6. What is the expected number of throws (including the throw giving 6) conditioned on the event that all throws gave even numbers.

The answer, somewhat paradoxically, is 1.5. As noted by Dan Jacob Wallace, the question can be answered using some probability theory and pre-calculus, but it can also be answered by simulating a simple game many times and averaging the number of throws per game.

In the game, we will roll one fair six-sided die over and over again and count the number of rolls. Since the problem is conditioned on all the throws being even numbers, we will stop a given game and declare it to be invalid as soon as we roll an odd number. For valid games, we will keep rolling the die until we hit a six.

Before we can translate this informal description into code, we need to find a way to simulate rolling a die. We can use a function, randint from Python’s built-in random library for this purpose. Given a lower bound and an upper bound, the function chooses a value uniformly at random between the lower bound and upper bound inclusive (that is, including both end points). Since we are working with a six-sided die, we will call random.randint(1, 6) repeatedly to get a randomly-chosen stream of values that range between 1 and 6 inclusive.


random.randint is a function, which we will be discussing in more detail in the next chapter. For now, all you need to so is that, like the print function, this function will perform a task for us and, in this case, it will be choosing a number randomly between 1 and 6. In chapter Basics of Code Organization we will also discuss Python’s built-in libraries, like random in more detail.

To simulate the game, we will need to roll the die over and over again until one of two conditions is met: either (1) a six is rolled, which ends the (valid) game or (2) an odd number is rolled, which signals that the game is invalid and should end. while loops are designed for exactly this type of computation: we want to execute a piece of code repeatedly while some conditions holds. Here’s one–quite direct–way to translate this description into code:

# Simulate a new game
is_valid_game = True
# first roll
roll = random.randint(1, 6)
game_num_rolls = 1
while roll != 6:
    if roll % 2 == 1:
        # stop: hit an odd number making the game invalid
        is_valid_game = False
    # subsequent rolls
    roll = random.randint(1, 6)
    game_num_rolls = game_num_rolls + 1

At the end of the game, the variable game_num_rolls will hold the number of times the die was thrown in the game and the variable is_valid_game will tell us whether the game was valid.

Here is another less direct, but easier-to-read version:

# first roll
roll = random.randint(1, 6)
game_num_rolls = 1
while roll == 2 or roll == 4:
    # subsequent rolls
    roll = random.randint(1, 6)
    game_num_rolls = game_num_rolls + 1
is_valid_game = (roll == 6)

In this version, we keep rolling the die until we hit something other than a 2 or a 4 (i.e., a 1, 3, 5, or 6). We mark the game as valid only if the last roll, the one that caused the game to stop, was a 6.

These two versions illustrate a common phenomenon: there is often more than one way to implement a task and thinking about it in a slightly different way may yield simpler code.

Let’s move on to simulating our game many times and computing the answer. We can run multiple games or trials by wrapping a for-loop around the code for simulating a game. Our goal is to compute the average number of rolls per valid game. To do so, we will track the number of valid games using the variable num_valid_games and the total number of rolls made in valid games using the variable total_rolls_valid_games.

Here’s code that for the full task:

num_trials = 1000
num_valid_games = 0
total_rolls_valid_games = 0

for _ in range(num_trials):
    # run a new game
    # first roll
    roll = random.randint(1, 6)
    game_num_rolls = 1
    while roll == 2 or roll == 4:
        # subsequent rolls
       roll = random.randint(1, 6)
       game_num_rolls = game_num_rolls + 1
    if roll == 6:
        # the game was valid
        num_valid_games = num_valid_games + 1
        total_rolls_valid_games = total_rolls_valid_games + game_num_rolls

if num_valid_games > 0:
    ans = total_rolls_valid_games/num_valid_games
    print("Average number of rolls in valid games:", ans)
    print("No valid games.  Try again.")

The value of the loop variable for the outer for loop is not needed in the computation and so, we followed Python convention and named it _ (underscore).

Note that we dropped the name is_valid_game and simply used the expression roll == 6 as the test for a conditional that ensures that num_valid_games and total_rolls_valid_games are updated only for valid games.

Finally, let’s review our decisions about where to initialize the variables used in the computation. The variables num_valid_games and total_rolls_valid_games are initialized before the outer loop because they are used to accumulate values across the whole computation. In contrast, roll and game_num_rolls are re-initialized for every iteration of the outer loop, because they need to be reset to their initial values for each new game.

1.3.5. Practice Problem Solutions

Problem 1:

Here are some sample values for year and the expected output:

2024 is a leap year
2000 is a leap year
1900 is not a leap year
2027 is not a leap year

Here is one approach to using conditional statements and relational operators, but not logical and or logical or to determine whether a year year with a positive integer represents a leap year:

    if year % 400 == 0:
        print(f"{year} is a leap year")
    elif year % 4 == 0:
        if year % 100 != 0:
            print(f"{year} is a leap year")
            print(f"{year} is not a leap year")
        print(f"{year} is not a leap year")        

Here is an alternative way to write this code:

    if year % 4 == 0:
        if year % 100 != 0:
            print(f"{year} is a leap year")
        elif year % 400 == 0:
            print(f"{year} is a leap year")
            print(f"{year} is not a leap year")
        print(f"{year} is not a leap year")                

And here is a incorrect approach:

    # This code is incorrect.
    if year % 4 == 0:
        if year % 100 != 0:
            print(f"{year} is a leap year")
            print(f"{year} is not a leap year")            
    elif year % 400 == 0:
        print(f"{year} is a leap year")
        print(f"{year} is not a leap year")

This code produces the right answer for three of the four sample years. Which years will be tagged correctly and which year will be tagged incorrectly? Why?

Problem 2

Here are some possible test cases as the expected value for grade:

Sample test cases





























Here is a block of code that sets the variable grade to the grade a student earned using their homework (hw), final (final), and midterm (midterm) scores:

    if final >= 90 and midterm >= 90 and hw >= 90:
        grade =  'A'
    elif final >= 80 and midterm >= 80 and hw >= 80:
        grade =  'B'
    elif final >= 70 and midterm >= 70 and hw >= 70:
        grade =  'C'
    elif final >= 50 and midterm >= 50 and hw >= 90 and final >= (midterm+20):
        grade =  'B'
        grade =  'F'

Problem 3

Sample test cases









[10, -10, 10, -10, 3, 0]


Here is a block of code that computes the sum of the absolute values in lst:

    total = 0
    for val in lst:
        total = total + abs(val)
    return total

Problem 4

Here are some sample test cases:

Sample test cases









[True, True, True, True, False]


[False True, True, True, True, True]


[True, False, False, True, False]


[True, True, True, True]


    result = False
    for val in lst:
        # note the use of not rather than
        #   val == False.
        if not val:
            result = True

Notice that this solution looks at every value in the list even though we know the value of result won’t change once it is set to True. We’ll see a better way to write this code in Exercise 6.

Problem 5

Here is a version of the code that computes the sum of the absolute values in a list using a conditional rather than a call to abs.

    total = 0
    for val in lst:
        if val < 0:
            total = total - val
            total = total + val

Problem 6

This code uses break to stop the loop upon finding the first instance of False in the list.

    result = False
    for val in lst:
        if not val:
            result = True
            # we can stop as soon as we find a False

Problem 7

Here are some sample tests:

Sample test cases

Value of N

Expected value for nearest







And here is a solution:

    nearest = 1
    while (nearest < n):
        nearest = nearest * 2

Problem 8

Here are some test cases:

Sample test cases

Value of N

Expected value for nearest







And here is a solution:

    nearest = 1
    while (2*nearest <= n):
        nearest = nearest * 2