2.3. Implementing a Data Structure: Stacks and Queues

Up to this point, we have been using data types (integers, strings, etc.) and data structures (lists and dictionaries) that are part of Python. While there is plenty we can do with them, sometimes we will need to implement our own custom data structures. In this chapter, we will present two new data structures: stacks and queues. While Python actually already provides implementations of these data structures, we will implement our own versions from scratch, so we can understand the process involved in implementing a data structure. As we’ll see, a key aspect of this process is thinking about the interface of our data structure, or how other programmers (not us) will interact with that data structure.

2.3.1. Interfaces and APIs

When we interact with lists and dictionaries in Python, we are blissfully unaware of all their internal details. For example, take this simple dictionary code:

>>> d = {}
>>> d["A"] = 4.0
>>> "A" in d

In this code, we can think about the dictionary in fairly high-level terms: it contains a collection of mappings between keys and values, and the code above adds one such mapping and also queries whether a given mapping exists or not.

However, dictionaries internally use a data structure called a hash table. Adding even a single mapping to the hash table involves a series of potentially complicated steps, with a number of scenarios the implementer must handle: what if the key already exists in the hash table? What if it doesn’t? What if the hash table doesn’t have enough memory allocated to add more keys?

Fortunately, all those details are abstracted away for us, because Python allows us to interact with the dictionary using a simple interface. When we add a new mapping in the dictionary, we don’t have to think in terms of how we must manipulate the internal hash table; we just do this:

d["A"] = 4.0

As users of a data structure, we only need to concern ourselves with the interface of that data structure. A term you’ll hear often is API, which stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a more general term, that can refer to the interface of a data structure (e.g., “the dictionary API”), but also to any collection of functions or protocols that allow us to interact with a software library or system, while abstracting away all of its internal details.

For example, when we import Python’s random module, we are gaining access to a software library for working with random numbers.

>>> import random
>>> random.randint(1,100)

The random module has a well-specified API, and we use that API to interact with random. In the above piece of code, we don’t need to know the exact mechanism by which random.randint generates a random number: we just need to know that we can call that function with a lower bound and an upper bound, and it will return a random number within those bounds.

APIs can also refer to interfaces that allow us to access certain services via the Internet, and specifically in a way that we can easily incorporate in a program. For example, imagine we wanted to find out the top Twitter users who use hashtag #programming (or any given hashtag). We could go to the Twitter website, enter the hashtag into their search tag, and then copy-paste the results to a file. However, this is not something a program can do easily.

Instead, Twitter provides an API for programs to access their data more conveniently. This API is protocol-focused: it specifies the messages that a program can send to their web server over the Internet to obtain certain data. For example, we can write a program that will send a message to the Twitter API asking for all the tweets that meet certain conditions (like including a given hashtag), and it will return a JSON-encoded list of those tweets, which we can then easily process from a program. A popular API of this form will often spawn competing libraries that are easier to use by abstracting away the details of the actual protocol.

So, when writing a complex program or system, you rarely have to implement the entire program completely from scratch, and it is common to use multiple APIs as building blocks. Even when writing simple Python programs, we often import existing libraries like random (so we don’t have to implement our own functions for generating random numbers).

In this chapter, we will implement a stack data structure and a queue data structure, and we will focus not just on their internal implementation, but also on what interface (or API) we will provide for those data structures. In particular, we will provide an interface that is function-based: we expect anyone who uses the data structure to interact with it through a series of functions that we will write. Later in the book, we will introduce classes and objects, which will allow us to provide a different type of interface: an object-oriented interface.

2.3.2. Stacks

A stack is essentially a list of values, but with a more constrained set of operations available on that list. Most notably, we can only access and manipulate one element in the data structure: the last element that was inserted into the stack (which, in stacks, is known as the top of the stack).

A common way of representing a stack is (non-surprisingly) as values stacked on top of each other. For example:


|  10 |
|  56 |
| 105 |
|  42 |
|  5  |


In the above stack, we can only interact with the value 10: we can see its value, we can remove it from the stack, or we can stack another value on top of it. However, we cannot interact with the other values in the stack without first removing the values above them (unless, for example, we remove value 10, and then 56 becomes the top of the stack).

More specifically, these are all the operations we can do with a stack:

  • Creating an empty stack

  • Pushing a value into the stack. If a stack was empty, then the stack will contain just the pushed value. If the stack already had values, we “stack” the new value on the top of stack.

  • Popping a value from the stack. This operation takes the value at the top of the stack and removes it (we also get to see what that value is)

  • Peeking at the value at the top of the stack. This operation tells us what the value at the top of the stack is but unlike popping does not remove it from the stack.

  • Checking whether a stack is empty.

It may seem like we’re unnecessarily limiting ourselves: why would we want to use a data structure like this when we already have lists, which allow us to do so much more? One reason is that there are many algorithms that can implemented in a straightforward way if we use a stack data structure (or, rather, if we write the algorithm in terms of stack operations like pushing and popping). For example, here are some applications that use stacks:

  • Undo algorithms in a word processor.

  • Expression evaluation in compilers and interpreters.

  • Functional call evaluation, which is the origin of the function call stack.

Later on, we’ll see that another reason why limiting ourselves to a constrained set of operations can be beneficial from and interface/API standpoint.

However, let’s first see how we can implement a stack. Since a stack is a sequence of values, we can use a list to implement one. For example, the stack we showed above could be represented as:

s = [ 5, 42, 105, 56, 10 ]

Since we only interact with the top of the stack, we will store the elements in the stack from bottom to top (i.e., the top of the stack will be the last element in the list). This way, we can “push” onto the stack using the list’s append method:

>>> s
[5, 42, 105, 56, 10]
>>> s.append(37)
>>> s
[5, 42, 105, 56, 10, 37]

And popping can be done simply by calling the appropriately named pop method:

>>> s
[5, 42, 105, 56, 10, 37]
>>> s.pop()
>>> s
[5, 42, 105, 56, 10]

The complexity of list operations

Why do we choose to store the stack in a list from bottom to top, instead of from top to bottom? If we stored it from top to bottom, the stack would look like this:

s2 = [ 10, 56, 105, 42, 5 ]

And we could push using the insert method:

>>> s2
[10, 56, 105, 42, 5]
>>> s2.insert(0, 37)
>>> s2
[37, 10, 56, 105, 42, 5]

And pop using the pop method (but specifying that we want to pop the 0th element of the list):

>>> s2
[37, 10, 56, 105, 42, 5]
>>> s2.pop(0)
>>> s2
[10, 56, 105, 42, 5]

The results are seemingly the same as the bottom-to-top implementation, but the performance of the operations is not. In Python, appending to the end of the list and removing the last element in the list can be done very efficiently in \(O(1)\) time.

Inserting and removing at the start of a Python list, on the other hand, requires \(O(n)\) time, because all the elements in the list need to be shifted forward or backward by one position. This analysis is not universally true of all list data structures in all languages and, in fact, there are list implementations (including a deque data structure included in Python’s collections module) that allows insertion and removal of the first element in \(O(1)\) time. These types of differences give us another reason why, depending on how we intend to use a data structure, we may need to be aware of the complexity of its operations.

The complexity of many data structure operations in Python can be found here: https://wiki.python.org/moin/TimeComplexity

At this point, we know how to use a list in a stack-like manner, but nothing is stopping us from performing non-stack operations on that list. For example, we can easily modify non-top entries in the stack, which is not allowed in a stack:

>>> s[2] = 37
>>> s
[5, 42, 37, 56, 10]

This observation leads us to the other reason why limiting ourselves to a constrained set of operations can be beneficial: to ensure that the data structure is manipulated only in acceptable ways.

For example, earlier we discussed how dictionaries are implemented internally as hash tables, but we interact with dictionaries only through a limited set of operations provided by that data structure’s interface or API. This API abstracts away the internal details of how dictionaries work, making our lives easier as programmers, but it also prevents us from wreaking havoc on the data structure by directly manipulating the internal hash table. Another way of seeing this is that dictionaries only allow us to interact with them on their own terms: the only way of manipulating them is through their API (which the programmers who implemented dictionaries have control over).

So, when implementing our stack data structure, we want to make sure that the programmer who uses that stack cannot manipulate it in non-stack ways (like modifying anything other than the top element of the stack). For now, we will accomplish this by defining an API as a collection of functions. Later on in the book, we will see how to define this same API but using an object-oriented approach.

So, we will need functions for the operations we described earlier. Creating an empty stack is simple enough:

def stack_create():
    return []
>>> s = stack_create()

Notice how the function returns a list but, conceptually, it returns a stack. The programmer who uses our stack doesn’t need to know that s is actually a list (even though in Python this is easy enough to find out). In fact, a very important principle of API design is that it should be possible for the data type developer to change the internal implementation without affecting the users of our data type (who should be treating the value returned by create as an opaque type).

For example, let’s go back to dictionaries again. When we create a new dictionary (e.g., d = {}) we are blissfully unaware that variable d actually refers to a hash table and, not just that, if the Python developers decided to switch to a different internal representation, we would keep using dictionaries the same way.

Pushing, popping, peeking, and checking emptiness are similarly straightforward:

def stack_push(stack, value):

def stack_pop(stack):
    return stack.pop()

def stack_top(stack):
    return stack[-1]

def stack_is_empty(stack):
    return len(stack) == 0

Finally, let’s also add a function that creates a string representation of the stack:

def stack_to_string(stack):
    s  = " TOP OF THE STACK\n"
    s += "-------------------\n"

    for v in reversed(stack):
        s += str(v).center(20) + "\n"

    s += "-------------------\n"
    s += "BOTTOM OF THE STACK\n"
    return s

Now, we can work with stacks using only these functions:

>>> s = stack_create()
>>> stack_push(s, 10)
>>> stack_push(s, 27)
>>> stack_push(s, 5)
>>> stack_push(s, 9)
>>> stack_push(s, 7)
>>> print(stack_to_string(s))

>>> stack_pop(s)
>>> print(stack_to_string(s))

Of course, because stack_create returns a list (which we’re conceptually manipulating as a stack), nothing stops a user from doing this:

>>> s
[10, 27, 5, 9]
>>> s[2] = 37
>>> s
[10, 27, 37, 9]

This lack of control over access to the underlying representation is one of the limitations of using a function-based API in Python: it is still relatively easy to perform forbidden operations on the data structure. When we discuss object orientation later in the book, we will see that the object oriented paradigm allows us to define APIs in a way that more strongly protects the internal data of a data structure.

2.3.3. Queues

Like stacks, queues represent a sequence of values, but with a different set of allowed operations on that sequence of values. In particular, the start of that sequence of values is known as the back of the queue, and the end of the sequence is known as the front of the queue. For example:

BACK   10  56  105  42  5   FRONT

A queue is like the typical queue you encounter when waiting in line for something: elements can only enter the queue through the back of the queue and can only exit the queue through the front. More specifically, the only allowed operations with a queue are:

  • Creating an empty queue

  • Enqueueing a value at the back of the queue

  • Dequeueing a value at the front of the queue

  • Peeking at the value at the front of the queue

  • Checking the size of queue, including whether it is empty

Assuming we only use these operations, no element in the queue can “skip the line”. If an element enters the queue at the back of the queue, it will not leave the queue until enough elements (in front of it) are dequeued, so it reached the front of the queue itself.

Like stacks, we will use a list to implement our queue. With stacks, using the end of the list as the top of the stack was the best choice from a performance standpoint. For queues, we have to choose whether to use the start of the list as the back and the end of the list as the front, or vice versa.

As it turns out, we can choose either option. If we make the end of the list be the front of the queue, Enqueueing is \(O(n)\) (because we’re inserting at the start of the list) but dequeuing is \(O(1)\) (because we’re deleting at the end). If we make the end of the list be the back of the queue, the complexities are swapped (enqueueing is \(O(1)\) and dequeuing is \(O(n)\)).

Assuming that the number of enqueue/dequeue operations is roughly the same (because in many applications, what gets enqueued eventually gets dequeued), there’s really no difference between using the start or end of the list as the front (and vice versa for the back of the queue). These are the kind of issues that data structure implementors have to deal with, but which the programmers that use the data structures should not care about (except that, sometimes, the documentation will tell you the complexity of certain operations).

So, our queue operations can be implemented with the following functions:

def queue_create():
    return []

def queue_is_empty(queue):
    return len(queue) == 0

def queue_length(queue):
    return len(queue)

def queue_enqueue(queue, value):

def queue_dequeue(queue):
    return queue.pop(0)

def queue_front(queue):
    return queue[0]

def queue_to_string(queue):
    s  = "FRONT OF THE QUEUE\n"
    s += "------------------\n"

    for v in queue:
        s += str(v).center(19) + "\n"

    s += "------------------\n"
    s += "BACK OF THE QUEUE \n"
    return s

And we can now work with queues by calling those functions:

>>> q1 = queue_create()
>>> queue_enqueue(q1, 10)
>>> queue_enqueue(q1, 27)
>>> queue_enqueue(q1, 5)
>>> queue_enqueue(q1, 9)
>>> queue_enqueue(q1, 7)
>>> print(queue_to_string(q1))

>>> queue_front(q1)
>>> print(queue_to_string(q1))

>>> queue_dequeue(q1)
>>> print(queue_to_string(q1))